Sunday, October 4, 2009

Super Seven

Seven is thought by some to be the number of perfection or completion. Some believe in numerology (I not so much). But if you look at what is said about what characteristics you might have if the number 7 was in 'your numbers", you might posses these characteristics: One might be "analytical, intellectual, focused, scientific and inventive, contemplative, meditative, spiritual and enigmatic. You are a seeker of truth and an accumulator of knowledge and wisdom." Like I said, I don't put a whole lot of faith in numerology but I thought I'd share it because I'm giving you all meanings of seven I found. I bet you've heard of the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World". There are lots on "meanings" to seven but what I want to know is what it means for me.
All this says seven is really super, right? Well my friends, I sure hope so because my baby has just turned 7! He is not the tiny little pumpkin that we brought home from the hospital 7 years ago. When I say pumpkin I mean it. He was jaundice and he was orange. My mother, who is a nurse at a pediatric office, said in all her years of work she had never seen a child who had a higher bilirubin count. He, as you can tell, has turned out just fine so far! Up until now I have felt almost down right confident in what I was to do as a mother. Now on the other hand, I feel like my map has been taken away and someone has put a blindfold on me, and I only get to hear bits and pieces from here on out!
OK it may not be that bad, but as you know I'm a girl, and girls are soooo sooooo different than boys. How will I know what to do in these up coming years? How will I handle helping him get through those tough years ahead? I may not have exact answers but I do have a wonderful husband who does know about boys! I also have read multiple books and I'm sure I will continue to read more. Most importantly I have the Bible. God has placed what I need as a mother and wife right in his word. That doesn't mean I have an exact answer for every little thing but I have so much if I will just find strength in him. God has also blessed me with family and friends who also know things that have been and will be helpful to me in the new stages of life. I am so blessed to have my family and as we journey through this next unknown I still like to look back!








Friday, September 25, 2009

Here we go again

Well its finally here, our books have arrived and we have started school. The boys are doing wonderfully already. The first few lessons for Parker will be review, to the point that if you totally forgot what we have learned you would catch on fast. He however did not forget most things so he feels like this is way too easy. Which is a good thing because he doesn't like to feel like something is "too much work". This way our year can kick off with him believing he can conquer all (which I believe also). Marshall REALLY wants to do several days worth of work at once, but I'm not letting him. Every day he says, "I just want to read." Give it a few more weeks and he will be reading like a pro! I feel confident that me teaching both will be very do-able. I thought it would be ok, but now I feel very confident. I love watching them learn. It's amazing to experience the feeling that a parent gets over all those firsts in life like smiling, rolling, crawling, walking, you know what I mean. I realized that with teaching them I get to continue to see those wonderful special moments. As daunting as the task of teaching my children may be I am encouraged by seeing those moments. I have a wonderful network of family and friends who are supportive to lend an ear or suggestions when I feel stuck, but most importantly to lift my needs to the Lord. It is by his grace that each day I am blessed.

We were able to spend the last day of summer at the Zoo. It was a hot day but we practically had the place to ourselves. Parker was reading all the signs and filling out a scavenger hunt of facts. Carson liked most of the animals but kept his map in hand saying "come on guys this is where the rhinos are." He really likes the rhinos, but when we got to them they were eating and you could not see their faces. So you guessed it we made several jokes about the rhino's butt. In case you didn't know this, boys think the only thing funnier than the word butt if mommy saying it. So at times like these, when my baby is sad because he can't see the one thing he has worked toward all day....I make a joke about butts or bodily functions and everyone starts laughing so hard no one feels sad any more! Sometimes a girls got to do what a girls got to do! Marshall REALLY wanted to bring home a spider monkey. He told us that if he had a pet monkey he would take good care of it and would never hurt it. Poor thing has heard too many storied from his Paw-Paw. Who, by the way, had pet monkeys growing up. Yes I said "monkeyssss". They all seemed to have fun and to learn something, so the day was a success in my eyes. I think I got the most out of it because I got a day with all my loves.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting There

I know I haven't been keeping things as up to date as promised but.......I have been playing with my children, taking care of our home and enjoying friends both old and new. So that makes it all better, right?

First let me try to get you caught up....we have not started school yet. We will start some time in September. Parker will be embarking on the journey through second grade. I just can't believe it. I know he is ready we have read all summer. He has written some cute short stories and I drill him with math facts randomly throughout the day. So I have full confidence that he will succeed this year. Marshall will be starting Kindergarten!!! I can't believe it. I still remember how the sky was the morning we drove to the hospital the day he was born. He has really grown up this summer. I wasn't sure just what kind of student he was going to be but this summer I have watched as he has improved his writing skills, started wanting to know how things are spelled and figuring out simple math. All of which we will help him with this school year. It's hard to believe they are all growing so fast. Carson is still my ball playing, self willed, totally potty trained child who is sure to add excitement to our lives daily.
As I stated in one of my last posts, the boys have been swimming all summer. After two weeks of lessons and many, many, many days pool side they have all become amazing little swimmers. Parker's teacher told him he needed to work on not holding his nose while he swims so he can use both hands. He feels like this is an impossible task, but that problem was solved mid July when Nanno sent snorkel stuff that had goggles that cover his nose! Now he is becoming more graceful. Sometimes when he is swimming I think of Kramer! I don't care how he looks I just like knowing he can keep his head above water. Which he can, so we can improve technique later. Marshall, who has had three scary falls in the water, (two of which happened this year) is my fearless swimmer with great lungs. He has spooked the lifeguards several times. He loves to just float around on his tummy face down for what feels like an eternity to the mommy watching. I learned not to just yank him up but the lifeguards got down off their stand on more than one occasion to head his way before he would look up and give me a thumbs up. Carson is a strong swimmer also, when he is willing, which has not been much. He prefers his ring floaty which is ok by me. His courage will come with time. I can remember just a few years ago my boys would rather play with a bucket full of water beside the pool instead of getting in the pool. As you can imagine we are very proud of all of their improvements this summer.
We have had lots of company and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of that. Some who were able to stay several days at a time and others who were just day visits. Each and every person who has come to stay with us has been such a blessing to our family. I love that my boys can enjoy our extended family. I hope to pass on the importance of the love that comes from family to them.

The thing that has brought the most joy to my heart this summer is seeing my children grow in the knowledge of our Lord. They are amazing to watch as they learn and grow. I'm so humbled daily as I hear them pray and talk to friends about God and his love for us. They walk around singing songs that help them remember stories from the Bible and saying memory verses often. They are truly growing in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men. (Luke 2:52)
Enough of me talking here are the sweet faces you want to see!!

They are so excited about their new backpacks they couldn't stand still to say "Cheese".

He got his pack too heavy but he still loved it!

Life's rough right?

Mr. Attitude

Parker is getting so big so fast!

All smiles!

Hands off the nose! This is great.

Is he breathing???? Yes, don't worry.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I'm trying to stay cool in this summer heat. Trying to stay caught up on house work. Trying to keep up with my children's endless energy. Trying to get you all caught up on our ferociously fast summer.

Carson has got staying cool down to an art!

It was a Tuesday so the pools were closed but we were able to avoid the heat and let the kids jump all the silliness right out of them from the comfort of the couch!

Learning never stopped this summer. Besides reading LOTS, playing games that didn't feel educational (but totally were), we got to learn about the critters around us. One day while watching Daddy hammer away we found a furry friend, yes I said friend. No he didn't get to come home with us, not because I wouldn't let Him (Daddy put his really BIG foot down!) But we did learn a lot about tarantulas. They are very cool and who knew, so fragile. The boys and I know now! We still have two snails we had a few tiny frogs for a short while. They just were not meant to be house pets.

Marshall thinking the tarantula was neat.

Again Carson being cool, no scratch that, staying cool. But hey, when you're not hot in the extreme heat we have had, who cares how you look! Which in case you were wondering, the term would be "cute".

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just Keep Swimming

In June the boys took swim lessons. This was Carson's first year to have lessons, he was hesitant at first but they all did great.

I'm sorry that I have not been keeping things updated but we are just out and about far to much. So I am now trying to get things caught up. More to come soon promise.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Over the river and Through the woods

Well the boys made their first week long stay at Nanno's house. I hope she's not too worn out because they are ready to go again! After the end of a quiet week at home spending lazy days we went to pick up the boys and see some more family. In 5 days I loaded and unloaded the car 6 times! If you hadn't figured it out yet we have lots of stops, and try to make the most of the time we have to see everyone. Friday morning we took to boys fishing at a house where Daddy got to fish while he was growing up. Actually he tries to make it over any time we are at Granny's.

It didn't take even a minute before they started having luck. While none of the fish caught by the boys were large they had an absolute blast. They were catching them so fast that I had to help put worms on the hook!! This wouldn't be so bad if I could just stick one on there but I had to tear them into smaller pieces to fit, eeeewwwwww.

After about an hour or so when the temperature and humidity level were at 95 we thought it best to go eat lunch and take naps . So while the boys and I slept Daddy got to go back and make some of the little fish into......

bigger fish!

Saturday afternoon we were able to spend some time with my sister and most of her family. We had better pics but some times the silly face just wins by default!

Then Sunday evening after services were over we all got together at Grandpa and Grandma's house to celebrate Father's day with most of the Wise Guys.

Monday morning Pa-Pa showed the boys (and me) how to Crab. Talk about very unsanitary fun, we had a blast. You take a raw chicken leg, tie it to a string, throw it out, wait and when you feel a bite pulling it real slow so you don't scare it off. Oh yeah and be quiet the whole time! As you can imagine slow and quiet are not some of our strongest traits, but they did catch crabs and relatively easily.

Marshall didn't even need bait he would scoop them up off the edge of the water and voila.

This one did not have pinchers so I held it! I'm no dummy.

All in all we had just over 30, some of which were a good size but we let them all go till next time.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun with my kiddos

Carson loves to make cookies becuase that means he gets to eat them!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Five Years and Flying

My Marshall is getting so big. We just watch in awe each day as he grows in wisdom and sature and favor with God and men. (Luke 2:52)

I don't know why its taking me so long to get post up but it is so here's this for now and I will try to give a real update soon.