First let me try to get you caught up....we have not started school yet. We will start some time in September. Parker will be embarking on the journey through second grade. I just can't believe it. I know he is ready we have read all summer. He has written some cute short stories and I drill him with math facts randomly throughout the day. So I have full confidence that he will succeed this year. Marshall will be starting Kindergarten!!! I can't believe it. I still remember how the sky was the morning we drove to the hospital the day he was born. He has really grown up this summer. I wasn't sure just what kind of student he was going to be but this summer I have watched as he has improved his writing skills, started wanting to know how things are spelled and figuring out simple math. All of which we will help him with this school year. It's hard to believe they are all growing so fast. Carson is still my ball playing, self willed, totally potty trained child who is sure to add excitement to our lives daily.
As I stated in one of my last posts, the boys have been swimming all summer. After two weeks of lessons and many, many, many days pool side they have all become amazing little swimmers. Parker's teacher told him he needed to work on not holding his nose while he swims so he can use both hands. He feels like this is an impossible task, but that problem was solved mid July when Nanno sent snorkel stuff that had goggles that cover his nose! Now he is becoming more graceful. Sometimes when he is swimming I think of Kramer! I don't care how he looks I just like knowing he can keep his head above water. Which he can, so we can improve technique later. Marshall, who has had three scary falls in the water, (two of which happened this year) is my fearless swimmer with great lungs. He has spooked the lifeguards several times. He loves to just float around on his tummy face down for what feels like an eternity to the mommy watching. I learned not to just yank him up but the lifeguards got down off their stand on more than one occasion to head his way before he would look up and give me a thumbs up. Carson is a strong swimmer also, when he is willing, which has not been much. He prefers his ring floaty which is ok by me. His courage will come with time. I can remember just a few years ago my boys would rather play with a bucket full of water beside the pool instead of getting in the pool. As you can imagine we are very proud of all of their improvements this summer.
We have had lots of company and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of that. Some who were able to stay several days at a time and others who were just day visits. Each and every person who has come to stay with us has been such a blessing to our family. I love that my boys can enjoy our extended family. I hope to pass on the importance of the love that comes from family to them.
The thing that has brought the most joy to my heart this summer is seeing my children grow in the knowledge of our Lord. They are amazing to watch as they learn and grow. I'm so humbled daily as I hear them pray and talk to friends about God and his love for us. They walk around singing songs that help them remember stories from the Bible and saying memory verses often. They are truly growing in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men. (Luke 2:52)
Enough of me talking here are the sweet faces you want to see!!
They are so excited about their new backpacks they couldn't stand still to say "Cheese".
He got his pack too heavy but he still loved it!
Mr. Attitude
Parker is getting so big so fast!
Hands off the nose! This is great.
Is he breathing???? Yes, don't worry.
I love this post! You got the cutest pictures of all your boys! I really love the one of Carson peeking out of his towel - soooo cute!