Friday, May 15, 2009

I want coffee, don't I?

It's now late in the morning, almost to the point of day. Most would call it early afternoon and I am just now having my first cup of coffee, gasp. I realize that to some this may not seem to be such a thing to even blink at, but it seems to put me in a funk for a good part of my day.

Some days I wake up knowing certain things must get done so before I sit and take my time for me, I start said tasks. You might say just fix a cup and drink it while you get things done but the coffee doesn't make a good side kick for starting laundry or refilling the boys milk cups or giving seconds on pancakes or making my bed or, well you get it...I never stop moving. So here I am 10:30 in the morning sitting for the first time in several hours getting a little quiet time! So what do I do but bring my cup of coffee in the computer room and think, "I'll check email and FB that kind of thing." Then while sitting here I realize I haven't really blogged in a long time. I keep meaning to, things will happen in our day/week and I think "oh I should share that". But I don't, I keep running like a chicken with my head cut off griping cause "Mommy hasn't even had her coffee yet."

And as soon as I sit down I realize why I enjoy coffee, its the warmth of the cup that I can just melt away with and melting away is not so much an option with small children that I want to play with. If I did melt away I would just be sad later thinking, "Oh I missed getting to watch their minds running wild." So I've decided that if I get morning coffee great, but otherwise I'll wait till nap time or even better bed time and get cozy with my cup and melt away for some much needed rest at the appropriate time, when my children are fast asleep and I know I'm not missing out on any of the fun.

Yesterday's adventures had us looking for wild indians and their green slave monkeys on the banks of the river.

Well my friends I have taken about twelve minutes to myself, my cup is sitting at best lukewarm beside me missing no more than a sip, and I am ready to go see which fun place my children are visiting today.