I sat in the other room for no more than ten minutes and come out to this. A living room full of toilet paper. My first reaction was not one of laughter. I didn't need to ask who had done this because shame was already all over the face of my little Mister Carson. "This makes Mommy very sad" I told him "why did you do this?" As I asked this question I had a feeling that Daddy would get a kick out of seeing the response from the first TPing of his offspring. I hope you get a kick out of this too. I know we have had our laughs. As he starts to clean it up he tells me, "There might be poop on it" When I asked why, he tells me "Cause sometimes there is poop on tp!" I told him that we put the used paper in the potty not back on the roll so this will be clean. This kid keeps me jumping.
Marshall started soccer last Thursday and will have his first game this Saturday. He lives in his cleats and shin guards. Parker will be starting fencing tomorrow night, how cool is that? I will get pics of all our new adventures and share them with you soon. We are so ready for the summer. All three boys will be able to do swim lessons this year and we are getting ready for our first camping trip over spring break. I am really starting to love my BIG boys and the fun stuff we can do, but I also like that they will still cuddle with the mommy.