First I would like to say that we had great Halloween. I felt very safe with my hero's around me!
We had a fun night, with good friends. The day did not start as smooth as it ended. well let me back up even one more night...... OK Thursday night we were going to go to the trick or treat street put on by the police explores but that proved to be a bust. I can only hope that they got things straightened out for the following night. The tickets cost more that the city web site said they would, 3 of the 7 games had no one to work them, Parker played a game the he didn't get the ball in the can and they said he couldn't have a piece of candy!! The line for the haunted house moved to slow so we got our money back for the tickets I still had and left. It was so hot in the building that I literally felt sick. So we moved to plan B. BY the way when I say we I mean our dear friends Justin ,Stephanie, Baby Meredith, and Me and the boys. Poor daddy had to work. Anyway back to plan B, One of the mothers at tae-kwon-do suggested that we come to the party at her sons school, So off we go, we loaded up and headed out. This was a much better environment for a party it was outside with lights in the trees, games every where, and kids who were smiling! Go figure kids having fun at a party. We came out ahead the tickets cost less and we came home with passes for a free game of bowling! It's now bed time and I have to brave going home with three tiered little boys..... We get in the car and it starts the whining and arguing and the "I'm Hungry" Of course I and out of the wonder staple of Honey so I do what any one wanting sanity would do I pull into Micky D's . Of course they get the order all wrong so I end up with upset children any way. I felt like I made my own Master Card commercial that night. Costumes $40...... Party that make kids happy $11....... Food to stop the tears $14.... knowing the day has to end Priceless !!!! It did end and I was hopeful for tomorrow. My loving hubby had the day off and the only tow things we had going was Parker going to the allegerist and trick or treat time!! Like I said in the begging we had a great night but poor Parker had a rough star to his day. We went to have a panel done to see what his big triggers are well the test is supposed to last for 20 minutes after the first prick. they then measure any reactions to see if they are larger than the control spot. Well my little guy started to sneeze and get spots on his face in less then 10minutes!!!! They had to rush in give him antihistamine and stop the test they messured what was already very obvious and we had to stay over an hour longer so they could make sure he was done reacting! THREE hours after we went in we found out that I pretty much already knew what he was allergic to! But I'm glad we did it because I know have a base line to watch and know if things change as he grows.

The weekend is over Deer season is open and tonight the long wait is over we will finally hear an end to the Crazy political race. I pray for Gods hand to protect my family and country. And no matter what happens I know he is in control and I am his!! I fear for What Parker will do if Obama gets elected he is convinced that the world will end if this is the case! I' keep telling him that no matter what WE will still be fine and God will take care of us and if Obama does get to Office we will pray that God will Change is heart. Really that is my prayer no matter what the outcome.
OK the super long post should make up for no updates in a while.
My love to all.