I feel like its been forever since I've shared us with you!
Oh that's right it has been. Ok not forever but a YEAR! Last post Parker turned 7.
Since then Carson has turned 4, Marshall turned 6, and Parker has turned 8!!!!
This year has been filled with joys, pain, fear, excitement, laughter, frustrations, and love. I continue to teach our children who amaze me daily. I see this opportunity as a privilege. Its a choice we've made, and for now its the way we will continue. But I honestly cant say how our life will look a year from now. This year has shown me just when you think you know your next step, the rug is pulled out from under you,and there you are fumbling in the dark looking for the light switch. This can be a time consuming effort that leads to trips and falls. Yet through it all we come out stronger, and wiser. This year I have seen just how precious and fleeting life is. So as I take a step toward tomorrow I pray that, I will continue on this earth being able to say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" 2 Timothy 4:7