Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Parker's Birhtday

One week after his birthday we had his Party. We did a combo Party with the Yakesch family for their daughter Michaela. We had a carnival and it was tons of fun. I think the biggest hit was throwing Pies at daddy's face!

On Parker's birthday we had a wonderful time as a family.

We took the boys to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Expo in Austin.

The boys had so much fun. They dug for dinosaurs, fished, and learned if the fish was a keeper or not! They got to get in a helicopter and jet ski that the game wardens use!! They roped and branded cows. The highlight of the day was kayaking. Parker and Marshall got to do it by themselves.

Later that evening we had friends join us for some of Parker's favorites, lasagna and cake!

That's my Baby I think I am the only one who refers to him as baby these days!

1 comment:

  1. I know I just saw the boys the other day, but this post has me thinking about how big he's gotten. Remember several years ago when Parker was your only kid, and you would bring him to Chipotle to eat dinner with our shift on Sunday nights? He was so little then, and it doesn't even seem like that long ago! Man, this parenting thing sure makes you wish time would just slow down a little!
