Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's All About Me

OK well maybe in some far off universe it is...but here in the land of mommy-hood "Me" is something there is not a lot of. Let me just say most of the time this is a choice. I enjoy serving my family and when I need me time, they give it to me fast for as long as I'd like. Last night for example I was going to "run away". This means I go to my room with a cup of coffee and veg out! Then after I am a clear headed mommy I rejoin my lovely bunch to say prayers and get hugs and kisses. I did get a little break but last night was just one of those nights the kids were crazy wild and I knew my love still had work to do once they were in bed, so I forfeited my me time so we could tag team the monsters. After they were tucked in tight my dear sweet husband got me cozied up on the couch with my feet propped up and a soft blanket and a cup of tea. I love to be in the room with him even if he is working. I should have known it would be one of those nights but I ignored the signs. At 12:30 Parker came in telling us his ear was hurting. I was snuggled up and almost didn't even wake up. As he was leaving the room I asked if I heard right and yes his ear was hurting. Daddy, thinking it's the middle of the night and probably not awake himself, told Parker "go back to sleep and lay on your other side". Needless to say not 20 minutes latter he was back saying "it didn't work". I pulled myself up and got out the otoscope, sure enough his poor little right ear is infected. Luckily I have everything I need to make him better. After some ear drops and Tylenol he went back to sleep this time in my bed. I don't know when he moved back to his own bed but around 2:30 Carson came in. It was if it was scripted, he too climbed in on daddy's side. After a few minutes of him tossing a turning that I could feel all the way on my side and poor Daddy saying I have to work in the morning, I got Carson up, took him to the potty and then we went back to sleep. Some how when in a state of sleep deprivation it seems to make sense to let them sleep in our bed. I am thankful that they took turns but hope to have everyone back to there respected places of rest tonight.

On Saturday we had a wonderful day at the zoo with the Robbins family. I have a few pics because my camera is on the fritz. But I did get to use Stephanie's camera, I just haven't got pics from her yet. I will share them when I do but for now here are a few with another borrowed camera.

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