Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Who Says Birthdays Are Just One Day

Today we had a wonderful treat. We got to spend the day at Chuck-E-Cheese with Grandma Judy. They were unable to come to Carson's party so we partied today! As you can see we all had fun and the boys really liked having more cake!

This was Carson before he was supposed to be eating cake but he didn't know I was watching!!

I did get some good pics and for that I am glad. As I said after Carson's party, my camera is acting up so it's hit or miss whether or not I will get a good shot. But like I said it did give me a few decent pics. But hey, I do have things to be happy about. We had a great day and it got us out of the house when it was too cold to be outside. And I think I might have saved some of my cups. I have them soaking in a mix of Oxyclean and vinegar. Seems to be working. Yeah for me!!
Can I just take one more moment of your time to tell you just how blessed we are. As the boys were saying prayers tonight Parker asked god to help him grow up faster so he could know what job he would have. Carson said thank you for the fun day he had, then he prayed that his mousie (just imaginary, mind you) would feel better soon. And Marshall is thankful for our warm house and always prays for friends and family who are sick. It's so neat to hear him remember and lift them up to our heavenly father. These are the moments I want to hold on to.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks like so much fun!! Happy Birthday Carson! Your boys are so handsome, I love seeing their pictures. I really enjoy reading your blog, too...I am excited to try vinegar for cleaning. Hope you guys are having a great week!
